Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This was one of those it-snowed-last-night-and-I-didn’t-get-to-make-my-weekly-trip-to-the-grocery-store-after-church-because-church-was-canceled-so-what-can-I-make-with-what’s-already-in-my-fridge-and-pantry type of sandwiches. And why is it that those recipes always turn out to be the best ones?

First, I hard boiled some eggs. I put eggs in a saucepan of water…And brought them to a boil.Then I turned off the heat and let them sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
After that, I drained off the water and covered the eggs with ice to cool them down…then I got the other ingredients ready!
I sliced up an onion. It just seemed like the right thing to do. Then I melted a little butter in a skillet over medium-high heat…And threw in the onions.I cooked them over medium-low heat for probably 15-20 minutes, stirring them frequently, until they turned a beautiful dark golden brown color.And then I removed the onions to a plate…Then used the same skillet to fry up some bacon! Now, in many recipes that call for both bacon and onions, I will cook the bacon first, then cook the onions in the bacon grease. This is a very naughty way to behave and results in much deliciousness. However, in this case, I was afraid cooking the onions after bacon would cause the onions to be way too “bacony” and overpower the other ingredients in the sandwich. So I took the road less traveled and cooked the onions first.

When the bacon was done, I drained it on paper towels.Then I whipped up a really simple sauce: Mayonnaise…And a good amount of Louisiana hot sauce. Any hot sauce will do here—or you could use adobo sauce from a can of chipotle peppers.
Stir it around, then taste it and make sure it’s nice and spicy and, again, tangy.And instead of mayonnaise, you could use plain Greek yogurt if you’re all about making healthy choices. But if that were the case, you probably wouldn’t be eating a grilled cheese sandwich with eggs and bacon on it.So never mind...

Finally, I peeled and sliced up some eggs…And sprinkled them with salt and pepper.
Eggs and hot sauce = One of the best food combinations known to man.

To build the big, beautiful sandwich, spoon some of the sauce on a slice of bread…And spread it so that it completely covers the bread in a thin layer.
Then you can build the sandwich in whatever order you wish: I did eggs…A slice of Swiss cheese (but you can use any cheese!)…A nice layer of bacon…Another layer of eggs…Another slice of cheese..., Next, spread the sauce on the second slice of bread…And put it on top of the pile! .., Spread the top of the sandwich with softened butter…

And…here it is!


  • 1 Tablespoon Butter
  • 1 whole Medium Onion, Halved And Sliced
  • 4 slices Bacon, Cut In Half
  • 2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
  • Several Dashes Hot Sauce (I Used Louisiana)
  • 2 slices Sandwich Bread
  • 3 whole Hard Boiled Eggs, Peeled And Sliced
  • Salt And Pepper, to taste
  • 2 slices Cheese, Any Variety (I Used Swiss And Monterey Jack)
  • More Butter, For Grilling


Melt the butter in a skillet over medium-low heat and cook the onions low and slow for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove them to a place when they're deep golden brown and soft.

Fry the bacon in the same skillet until slightly crisp. Remove to a paper towel to drain.

Combine the mayonnaise and the hot sauce and stir. Taste and add more hot sauce if needed.

Sprinkle the sliced eggs generously with salt and pepper. 

To assemble, spread one side of each piece of bread with the spicy mayo. Build the sandwich however you wish: eggs, bacon, cheese, onions, more eggs, more cheese. Spread one side of the assembled sandwich with softened butter and put it butter-side down on a griddle or skillet over medium-low heat. Spread the top side with butter, then continue grilling the sandwich until the bread is golden and slightly crisp and the filling is warm/cheese is melted. 

Cut in half with a sharp serrated knife and share with a loved one!

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