Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake is a mouthwatering old-fashioned family favorite that we just love!  If you enjoy strawberries this is a real crowd pleaser. Strawberries are placed upon biscuit-type shortbreads and then smothered with whipped cream, non-dairy whipped topping or ice cream. Triple yummy! While the original recipe called for shortening I’ve changed that to coconut oil  since I’ve tried to eliminate as many hydrogenated oils as possible from my diet.

My mom used to make Strawberry Shortcake for us all the time when we were kids. She always had big gardens and she grew a lot of strawberries, especially for jams. She would make biscuits, slice them in half and butter each side, spoon sliced, sugared strawberries over the biscuits and then add vanilla ice cream scoops on top. Absolutely incredible! (Cool Whip hadn’t been invented then and she didn’t make whipped cream a lot.)
If I have a lot of strawberries on hand, I usually double the recipe and make this in two round torte dishes. Then I sprinkle sugar over the top of the shortcake before baking.  The cake is cut in eighths, then each triangle is split in half. Each layer is covered with strawberries before smothering all of it in whipped topping. It’s utterly sensational.

My Strawberry Shortcake was a real hit. I served large portions and they were eaten down to the last drop. ðŸ™‚
I LOVE Strawberry Shortcake!

This recipe is really pretty easy to make. I also made two smaller shortcakes in large ramekins.

Strawberry Shortcake is a wonderful summer dessert. It’s great not only for the summer holidays, but anytimestrawberries are in season or available. 
After cutting the shortcake in 8 pieces, I slice each piece in half and layer strawberries on each piece. Then I top withwhipped topping and more strawberries. This dessert is also great drizzled with chocolate or strawberry syrup.
Measure UNBLEACHED all-purpose flour into mixing bowl. (Bleached flour toughens baked goods). Add sugar, baking powder, sea salt and coconut oil. 
Blend flour mixture with a pastry blender until all the coconut oil is worked into the flour.
Add milk. You can also use cream or Almond Breeze if you want to keep the recipe vegan.
Stir to combine. Place into a greased 10″ torte baking dish or cake pan. Sprinkle sugar on top.
Sugar is sprinkled on top and now the shortcake is ready for the oven. Bake at 450 for 15-20 minutes. A toothpick inserted in center should come out clean.
Spoon sugared strawberries over top of halved shortcake layer.
Top strawberries with remaining individual shortcake layer. Spoon more strawberries on top. Dollop with whipped topping and serve.
Or if you’re cutting the larger 10″ round shortcake, cut in eights. Then slice each triangle in half like I’ve shown here. Spoon sugared strawberries over the bottom layer. Top with top shortcake layer, spoon more sugared strawberriesover top of the shortbread layer. Finally, top with whipped topping and serve.

Every bite is mouthwatering. I guarantee, you won’t want to stop eating this dessert, once you have your first taste.This is a festive dessert for Independence Day celebrations.


  1. Slice strawberries; sprinkle with 1 cup sugar and let stand 1 hour.
  2. Heat oven to 450°.
  3. Grease a 10” round layer torte dish.
  4. Measure flour, 2 tbsp. sugar, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
  5. Cut in coconut oil thoroughly until mixture looks like coarse crumbs.
  6. Stir in milk 
  7. Spread into prepared baking dish.
  8. Sprinkle with 2 tbsp. sugar.
  9. Bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
  10. Cut shortcake into 8 servings.
  11. Split each piece in half.
  12. Spread with butter,if desired.
  13. Fill and top with berries.
  14. Serve warm with whipped cream or non-dairy 

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